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Chill Swimming Hole in Taipei, Taiwan

Den Roux

Imagine this: A mountainside waterfall with a secluded swimming hole atop its head like a hat. Surrounded by jungle and trees of multiple shades of green, the swimming hole is deep with cool water you can jump into from an all-natural rock diving board situated 15 feet above the pool. And best of all--it is hidden! Oh, and you can get to it from a subway station. My former boss, who has lived in Taiwan for more than five years, told me about this day-trip from Taipei. He once speculated that he has probably seen more of Taiwan than most native Taiwanese and I think this day-trip is fine evidence for that hypothesis. If you find yourself in Taipei with ambitions of a nature adventure, but you want to be back in the city by nightfall, this is the perfect day-trip for you. You will need a pair of light resilient shoes (no heels), a swimsuit, camera, but most important and for obvious reasons, a towel.

DISCLOSURE: You will not make a left turn for this entire journey:

Catch the Brown Line (MRT line 1) and ride in the first or last car of this raised rail line. These cars offer great views of Taipei City and are less crowded. Get off at Dahu Park Station and follow the yellow signs to Exit 1.

Take a right out of Exit 1 and another right down Da Hu Shan Zhuang St., walk straight towards the mountains and do not make any turns. If you need a pick-me-up A Bar Coffee is along the way but keep going after your Americano. It is good coffee, they roast their own beans.

After 15 minutes of walking Da Hu Shan Zhuang Street magically turns into a red-brick path which then suddenly becomes a black walkway; follow it. This is the beginning of the park proper, this young punk here knows whats going on.

Walk 5 minutes and then a road cuts the path short. There is a sign. Follow its pointed wooden finger towards Mt. Liyu. You will soon find yourself at the foot of a large temple gate. Ignore the distraction and at the temple take a right. It is not to any deity, it is a family temple of some sort. Hell of a way to pay tribute to ones ancestors.

If a pathway veers down towards a creek ignore it, it is also a distraction. Keep walking high by following the signs to Mt. Liyu. Now the path is a trail laid with square cobblestone. It will lead you up the mountain. You pass by some amazing picture opportunities. See photo below:

Walk this trail. You will get to a small bridge and a picnic area ornamented with a large umbrella like gazebos at the foot of the waterfall. Soak in the sights and find a set of stairs leading up to the waterfall with a guard rail on it’s left. See picture below:

Go up the steps. You will come to a small hermits shack. Take a right and walk through a door-less entryway through the shacks front yard then continue through some jungle. Do not be afraid, I have never met the hermit but I assume he is a nice person.

You will come to a vertical rock face, ropes are there to help you horizontally cross it. Be careful, the drop will not kill you but it will hurt. Don't be stupid.

Another set of ropes will lead you up, across, then down a large outcrop separating the swimming hole from the rest of the world.

Enjoy, but don't leave any trash and be aware that this is a gem for a reason.

Don't fall off the waterfall or drown. Be smart, Buddha will make sure you are.

The swimming hole itself.

A view from up top.


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