Sometimes I think of things that would have caused great confusion to the minds of our ancestral past. I like to crack my bones. I crack my fingers, knees, elbows, back, and neck from time to time. I do it when I am bored or nervous and I often forget that some people find the sound unpleasant. I sometimes get sideways glances. The kind where you know for a fucking fact that the person is looking at your with the periphery of their vision. You know the look, something that everybody notices and no one can ever acknowledge, because when it comes to sideways glances, everyone is guilty.
Cracking bones must have been an odd thing. The sound would have been familiar. To a cave man broken bone’s must have come as fixed feature of life. I have never broken a bone, I doubt anyone thousands of years ago could have said the same at the age of 24. Do you think differentiating the two sounds so long ago would have been difficult or easy?
Ooog lives in a cafe without light and has poor spacial perception. Uoog, his wife, or whatever your want to call it, lives in the same cave and recently found out how to crack her big toe. One day Ooog finds a giant black bear in the back of his cave and the ensuing fight leaves Ooog with a stubbed big toe. Such pain, and all he can think of is the crack that preceded this pain. As Ooog sits victorious in his cave Uoog comes alone and begins to play with her big toe with sonic enjoyment. Crack after crack. OooG goes ahead and freaks out. How is his wife doing this? He just heard the same sound come out of his big toe in concert with a hellofa pain. Now across from the cave-fire sits a woman making the same sound, or a sound very much like it, and not showing no response to the assumed pain, but doing it every minute or so, just for kicks. Ooog must have been very confused, and probably a little impressed.