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Den Roux

Hands down, the best way to get lung cancer is to hang out in the smoking corner of Asian airports. Often only one or two in the entire airport, all those who indulge in the bad habit migrate to it like the Okavango Delta during mating season. Tensions rise high in airports, it is only natural given the amount of crockery that goes on in them. Like a drafted soldier who does not smoke, but does after a soul destabilizing fire fight. To quote Band of Brothers:

“I thought you didn’t smoke?”

“I don’t.”

Just have your flight delayed for the fourth time and you soon will be drawn to that sweet smell of burning Chinese tobacco. You always bum your first smoke. No one ever just up and buys a pack of cigarettes without being given one first. Self medication, a natural response to the stress of war or international air travel. Because you bum your first cigarette you feel obliged to strike up conversation with the small Chinese man who gave you your first cigarette.

‘Where are you going?’,


‘Me too.’

You are not alone in the smoking corner, I mean, you are, but not it the same way you are alone sitting in the purposely uncomfortable chairs outside of gate D16. Everyone here is self medicating with a minor substance, a substance that is OK to use in an airport, especially PVG. At PVG the smoking corner’s doors are always open, admittedly, to the detriment of every one else. But hey, it really brings people together, in droves.

Back to the lung cancer. You can see it in the air. You can hear it in the conversation. People do not see the future, but they can defiantly do their part to make sure some things happen. No need to actually light up your own cigarette, just spend five seconds in the smoking corner, unfiltered nicotine, the fast track. You light one up anyway, war is about doing your part, right? So is smoking. Add to the chorus, feed the stench that clings to your linen shirt like hope. And that is exactly what it is, hope. A fucked hope that you won’t die from it, or a fucked up hope that you will.


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